
Children English Poem

1. Jack And Jill

Jack And Jill
Went Up the Hill
To Fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after

2 Humpty and Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Not all the king`s horses
Nor all the king's men
Could set Humpty
Dumpty togeher again

3. Pussy-Cat

"Pussy-cat pussy cat,
Where have you been ? "
" I ve been to London
To see the Queen. "

"Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat
What did you do there ?"
" I frightened a little mouse under
her chair."

4. Teapost

I am a little teapot
Short and stout
This is my handle
And this is my spout

When the water's boiling
Here me shout;
"Just lift me up
And pour me out "

5. BAA, BAA, Black Sheep

Baa baa black sheep
Have you any wool ?
Yes, Sir yes sir
Three Bags full;

One of my master
One for his dame,
And one for the little boy
Who Stays down the lane.

6. Ding , Dong bell
Pussy's in the well
Who put her in ?
Little Tommy Thin

Who pulled her out ?
Little Tommy Stout
What a naughty boy was that
To Drawn poor pussy-cat

7. One-Two

One, two buckle my shoe
Three four shot the door
Five Six pick up sticks
Seven , Eight lay them straight
Nine ten a big fat hen

8.Lucy Locket
Lucy Locket lost her Pocket
Kitty fihser found it.
There was not a penny in it,
just a ribbon round it.

9. To Market , To Market

To Market, To Market
to buy a fat pig,
Home again home again
To Market, To Market
To Buy a fat hog
Home again home Again

10. Teddy Bear , Teddy Bear
Turn around
Teddy bear Teddy Bear
Touch the ground.

Teddy bear Teddy bear
Polish your shoes
Teddy bear , Teddy bear,
Off to school

11 , Little Bo Peep

Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep
But cant tell where
to find them ;
Leave them alone and they will
come home
And Bring their tails behind them

13 Chubby Cheeks

Chubby cheeks , dimpled chin
Rosy lips teeth within
curly hair , very hair
Eyes are blue , lovely too.
Teacher 's pet, is that you ?
Yes Yes yes

14. Me and Apple

If I were and Apple
And grow on a tree
I think i 'd drop down
On a nice boy like me.

15. Five Little Soldiers

Five little soldiers
Standing in a row
Theree stood straight
And two stood so

Along came the captain
And what do you think ?
They all stood straight
As quick as a wink

16. Hot Cross Buns !

Hot Cross Buns !
Hot cross buns
One a penny , two a penny
Hot cross buns

if you have no daughters
Give them to your sons:
One a peeny . Two a penny
Hot cross buns !

17. Lolly - Pop

I took a hop, to the shop
To buy my favourite lolly -pop
See the big Stick
And the red top

I'll soon put it in my mouth
And finish it plop! plop!

18. Tom Tom The Piper's Son

Tom Tom The Piper's Son
Stole a pig and away he ran !
The pig was eat
And Tom was beat
And Tom went crying down the street

19. Knees

Bend Bend Bend your Knees
And See if it will make you sneeze
Stretch Stretch Stretch your knees
And grow as big as those big trees.

20 Rain Rain

Rain Rain go away
Come again another day ;
Little johny wants to play
Rain Rain go away

21.Christmas Bells

Ring-aling and ting-a-ling
christmas bells do ring
Its time for toys
That please all boys
So santa Please dont delay

22. Little Robin

Pit-pat well-a-day
Little Robin flew away
Where can little Robin be ?
Gone into the cherry -tree

23. After a Bath
After a bath
I try try try
to wipe myself
Till I'm dry ,dry dry

Hands to wipe
And fingers and toes
And two wet legs
and a shiny nose.

24. My Band

Listen to my big drum
bang bang bang
Listen to my traingle
tang tang tang
Listen to my trumpet
toot toot toot
Listen to my tambourine
shoo shoo shoo

25 . Hickory , Dickory Dock

Hickory , Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock stuck one
The Mouse ran down
Hickory dickory dock !

26.Pat - A- Cake

Pat - A- Cake ,Pat - A- Cake
Baker's man
bake me a cake
as fast as you can
Pat it and prick it
and mark it with it
And put it it the oven
for teacher and me.

27 Hop a little

Hop a little , Jump a little
One two three
Run a little , skip a little
Tap , tap one knee
bend a little , stretch a little
nod your head ;
Yawn a little , sleep a little
in your bed.

28. Humber Rhyme

One Two three four five
Once I caught a fish alive
Six seven , eight nine ten,
But I let it go again

Why Did you let it go
Because it bit my finger so
Which finger did it bit ?
The Little finger on the right

29. Simple Simon

Simple Simon met a pie man
Going to the fair;
Said Simple simon to the pie man
"let me taste your ware"

Said the pie man unto simon
" Show me first your penny
Said Simple Simon to the pie man
Indeed I have not any"

30. Rat-A-Tat

Rat-a-tat ! Rat-a-tat !
Who can it be
Rat-a-tat ! Rat-a-tat !
Let's go and see

Here is a postman
Kncking at the door

Have you any letters ?
One two three four .

31. Tooth -Brush

I have a tooth -Brush neat and gay
To Brush my teeth everyday
I brush them each morning
I brush them each night
Till all are shining
Clean and bright

32. Yankee doodle

Yankee doodle went to town,
Riding on aponey,
stuck a feather in his cap
and called it macaroni.
Yankee doodle,doodle doo,
oh Yankee Doodle Dandy
all the lads and lassies
Are as sweet as sugar candy